Generous and robust reporting tools:
real-time access to your online database
real-time access to payments/disbursements
search for and edit registrant records
view registration breakdown
view demographics
view shirts - quantity and size breakdown
view registrant answers to questions
view custom charges - purchases, donations, add-ons
discount code reports
comp/free codes report
referral URL
Form management:
view registrations
view funds collected
edit/update form settings and content
set shirt cap/limits
create and manage discount and comp/free codes
add Shopify products
free ROAD iD coupon code to registrants
Communication and Social Media:
email event registrants
add event website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram links
add a race results link
add a custom message to your confirmation email
receive email notifications when someone registers
add your form to Facebook using the GMR App
add Facebook or Google pixel tracking
social media sharing throughout registration
participants can confirm their entry 24/7
integrate these third-party email clients:
Constant Contact