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Any Baby Can's Walk for Autism - Aspie Aaden

Saturday, May 3, 2014 in San Antonio, TX at AT & T Center

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Welcome to our fundraiser page, for Any Baby Can's Walk for Autism. Autism became a welcomed part of our life in February of 2013, after a year and a half of doctors, and medicine, and no one believing what we were going thru.

The walk will take place on April 12, 2014. Feel free to come join us & invite some friends.

If you would like to read more about our journey of Autism & SPD, you can follow our family blog: [url]www.courtneyingram.blogspot.com[/url]

We have been blessed with amazing support thru Any Baby Can.

Connect with others about this event and see who's going!

Contributors on Behalf of Aspie Aaden

  1. Aaden Ingram - Contribute to a Fundraising Team
  2. Karen Arnold - Contribute to a Fundraising Team
  3. Declan Woodworth, Nevan Woodworth, Elizabeth Woodworth - 2 Mile Walk
  4. Owen Anderson, Jaxon Anderson, Janet Anderson - 2 Mile Walk
  5. Brady Ingram, Aaden Ingram, Evan Ingram, Courtney Ingram - 2 Mile Walk
  6. Caiden Webb, Carter Smith, Briana Ervin - 2 Mile Walk
  7. Emiley Ingram White, James David Ingram, Charlotte Ingram - 2 Mile Walk
  8. Andrew Tompkins, Zachary Tompkins, Savannah Tompkins, Brittany Tompkins - 2 Mile Walk
  9. Doris Hailey, Johnny Hailey - 2 Mile Walk
  10. Ashley Kleinpeter - Contribute to a Fundraising Team
  11. Shanna Jones - Contribute to a Fundraising Team
  12. Tyler Mulder, Vivian Mulder - 2 Mile Walk
  13. Christopher McDavid, Amanda McDavid - 2 Mile Walk
  14. Sarah Dominisac, Danny Dominisac, Ryan Dominisac - 2 Mile Walk

Aspie Aaden has raised $366.00.
Aspie Aaden has a goal of raising $1,000.00.

progress: 36.60%

If you are the owner of this homepage, you may login to make changes, using the username and password you created or used when you registered for the event associated with this homepage.

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  • When this page loaded, the official time was 10:02:27 PM EST.