Bridges to Hope Bike-A-Thon
in United States at Bridges to Hope-
Individual Entry
Online registration is closed for this category.
Family Entry
Online registration is closed for this category.
Where is this happening? |
All rides begin at Bridges to Hope, 3107 S 6th, Suite 107 and head south on the Jamaica North Trail. To get to Bridges to Hope, turn west off High-way 2 onto Pioneer Blvd. and follow signs.
When is it? |
Saturday June 15, 2013
Starting at 9:00 AM
How much does it cost? |
$20 per individual
$25 per family
(plus a small added fee for online registration and donations from family and friends)
What do I do? |
Choose between three out and back rides:
- 22 miles
- 13miles
- 8 mile family ride
- Get family, friends, and other generous folks who want to contribute to a life-transforming ministry to sponsor you
All participants will be required to sign a re-lease (parent or guardian for minors) when you check in for the ride.
About Bridges of Hope |
Bridges to Hope is a ministry to people who have been released from prison and who are making the transition to a productive life outside prison.
Bridges to Hope provides basic household furnishings to set up an apartment, clothing for interviews and work, and information on other service agencies that may be able to provide help.
Bridges to Hope is a non-profit organization which receives funding from churches and other organizations, the Nebraska Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, private donations and in kind donations of furniture, clothing, personal care items and house-hold items.
- When this page loaded, the official time was 5:52:03 PM EST.