• Contact us to help set up your in-person or virtual event!

Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride - 2013

in United States at Washington County Fairgrounds

Online registration for this event is currently closed. Race day registration information is available here: www.ironmanbikeride.org/ride-registration/

  • Individual Entry - Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride
    Register Now! Registration is closing soon.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Team Entry - Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride
    See instructions on front page below.
    Passcode required for team registration. Teams must be composed of 8 members.
    Each team member will register in a single transaction. At the end of your transaction, click on "register someone else" to register

    Online registration is closed for this category.

2013 Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride: Welcome Back :)

We are excited to announce that the 2013 Minnesota Ironman Bicycle Ride (MIBR) is moving. After 13 wonderful years in Lakeville, MN and surrounding communities, we are ready for a change of scenery. We hope that you are too!

Join us for the April 28th, 2013 ride in the Scenic St Croix River Valley! Washington County and the communities of Scandia, Stillwater, Afton, Lake Elmo, Marine on the St Croix and Oak Park Heights will become the new home for the ride.

Route Distances: 100, 75, 50, 25 or 15 miles

Team Registration Instructions/Checklist
1. Choose a Team Captain: Team captain must e-mail us and register their team name. We will email back a password. Email: team@ironmanbikeride.org
2. Team Captain must be FIRST to register online; He/she enters the Team Name and the password.
3. Team Captain shares password and official team name with each team member.
4. Now each team member can register on his/her own. Or, you can register other team members this year at one time. It's that simple!

Am I Registered?

To Confirm Your Entry for 2013...
Simply go to the front page of www.GetMeRegistered.com
and in the upper left-hand corner you will see a field called "Confirm an Entry".
Simply type in your name and hit 'search'.


Coach Bob leads indoor cycling training classes SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR MINNESOTA IRONMANŽ riders of ALL EXPERIENCE AND SKILL LEVELS. From beginners to pro-level cyclists, these classes are open to and beneficial for everyone. Interested? Before you Register go to www.ironmanbikeride.org for further details and a bio on Coach Bob.

  • Classes begin SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH
  • Location: The brand new ST. PAUL ATHLETIC CLUB 340 Cedar St., 9th Floor Group Fitness Room
  • St. Paul, MN 55101
  • Dates: February 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13, 20
  • Time: 7:30AM - 9:30AM

  • Prices
    Indoor Group Cycling Training

  • $150 - 10 classes: Best deal at $15 per class (Begins February 16th)
  • $125 - 7 classes: $18 per class (Begins March 9th)
  • $80 - 4 classes: $20 per class (Begins March 30th)

  • 3-Month Individual Training Program
  • $49 - Long Route (50 - 100 mile Minnesota IronmanŽ routes)
  • $49 - Short Route (15 - 50 mile Minnesota IronmanŽ routes)
  • ***(80% Discount ONLY for MINNESOTA IRONMANŽ RIDERS - Retail Value = $269)***

    Your Minnesota Ironman Ride Organizers

    This ride is organized by Hostelling International USA. This is our 47th year and we so enjoy producing this ride. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization active in promoting global travel and cultural exchange. The Ironman Ride is our major fundraising event every year. If this is your 45th or your 1st time riding with us THANK YOU!

    For More Information

    Our web site is updated regularly: www.IronmanBikeRide.org

    Ironman Ride Line or Hostelling International Office is 651-789-6688

    E-Mail preferred: ride@ironmanbikeride.org

    Click here to view the event organizers website.

    2013 MIBR Merchandise

    Check out our great merchandise here:

    All merchandise is available for pick up on ride day after you finish riding. Just check back at the registration area. Please don't forget as we do not mail it out post ride. We really want you to have it!

    Descriptions below:

    MIBR Micro Tech Performance T-Shirt (by WSI) xs-xxl Cost $18. Great Value!

    MIBR Wik-Max Performance Stocking Cap (by WSI) one-size fits-all; $15; fits under helmet / love this hat!

    MIBR Men's Short Sleeve Shirt: S-XL $13, XXL $15 100% cotton t-shirt ($3 discount for online orders - see web site for details)

    MIBR Men's Long Sleeve Shirt: S-XL $18, XXL $20; 100% cotton shirt ($3 online discount applies - see site for details).

    MIBR Women's Short Sleeve Shirt: Unisex S-XL $13, XXL $15; 100% cotton t-shirt ; IronWoman brand on shirt. ($3 online discount)

    MIBR Women's Long Sleeve Shirt: Unisex S-XL $18, XXL $20; 100% cotton t-shirt; IronWoman brand on shirt. ($3 online discount applies - see site for details).

    MIBR Tech Wool Socks: $10 per pair, $18 for 2 pairs. (Sock Guy blend of 50% Merino wool and 50% polypropylene. Shrink-resistant and itch-free. Sizes S/M (5-9) or L/XL (9-13).

    MIBR Water bottle $4

    MIBR Patch $4

    • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
    • When this page loaded, the official time was 10:43:15 PM EST.

    Registration Form Closed

    Event Organizers

    Thank you for hosting your event registration with GetMeRegistered.com!

    To get your next event registration form up and running, simply contact us here or email us at Service@getmeregistered.com and let us know the date. We will build your form right away and send you information to review the new form.

    Thank you!