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Tour de Upland - IMTB Brown County - Road Tour

in United States at CYO Camp Rancho Framasa

Haven't REGISTERED? On-line registration is closed but you can still come. Show up from 5-7P on Friday or from 7-10A on Saturday and sign up at our registration table.

  • Registration
    Customize your Tour de Upland experience by selecting the options you want.

    On the next page (after you sign the waiver below) you can make multiple selections - e.g., if you want to camp Friday night and do the Core experience select both options.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

Tour de Upland Registration Options

The Core Experience (Saturday Ride/Saturday Night Camping)
Includes road cycling/mountain biking on Saturday, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast, all inclusive food and beverages, and live music Saturday evening.
Does not include Saturday morning breakfast.

$97.00 early registration (through 8/11)
$125.00 late registration (8/12 - 8/17)

Friday Camping/Saturday Breakfast
Add Friday night camping and breakfast Saturday morning to the experience. We'll have beer in the evening and movies in the Pavilion.

$20.00 early registration (through 8/11)
$30.00 late registration (8/12 - 8/17)

Camp Only Saturday (plus meals)
Not in it for the cycling? You can still join us for everything offered by the Core Experience without the cycling. You get unlimited snacks, lunch, dinner, Sunday morning breakfast, and Saturday night camping.
Does not include Saturday morning breakfast.

$75.00 early registration (through 8/11)
$100.00 late registration (8/12 - 8/17)

Ride Only:
Don't have time for the overnight? Ride all you want Saturday, plus have lunch and a beer. (Food and beverages are NOT all inclusive.)

$50.00 early registration (through 8/11)
$75.00 late registration (8/12 - 8/17)


For more information please go to www.uplandbeeradventures.com or e-mail andrea@uplandbeer.com

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 5:31:51 PM EST.

Registration Form Closed

Event Organizers

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To get your next event registration form up and running, simply contact us here or email us at Service@getmeregistered.com and let us know the date. We will build your form right away and send you information to review the new form.

Thank you!