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IU Swim Club Indoor Triathlon

in United States at SRSC - 1601 Law Lane

Online registration for this event is closed.

  • Individual Indoor Triathlon

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Team Indoor Triathlon

    Online registration is closed for this category.

Event Information

When: February 25th, 2018 - 8:40AM
Where: SRSC (1601 Law Lane, Bloomington IN 47405)
Cost: $15 for IU Students, $25 general (on or before 2/26, $35 general (after 2/26), $30 for teams of 2-3 (includes a race t-shirt)
What to bring: swim gear, towel, clothes to bike and run in, athletic shoes, water bottle, iPod or MP3 player, lock (if desired)
Cream Race: 600-yard swim, 8-mile bike, 3-mile run
Crimson Race: 300-yard swim, 5-mile bike, 1-mile run

After the event, participants will receive a free t-shirt and food.

More Information

Open to:
All members of the IU, Bloomington, Indianapolis, and surrounding communities, ages 18 and older

Hosted by:
IU Swim Club
IU Club Sports/Rec Sports

Race Categories:
600-yard swim
8-mile bike
3-mile run

300-yard swim
5-mile bike
1-mile run

SRSC: swimming will take place in the Counsilman-Billingsley Aquatic Center, biking will take place on the upright stationary bikes, and running will take place on the indoor track (8 laps = one mile).

Individuals not competing as part of a team will be required to complete all 3 segments of the race.

Participants will be allowed to compete as members of a team. Teams may consist of 2-3 members, with each individual completing at least one segment of the race. Teams will have one time card and times will be combined to determine the final finishing time for each team.

Registration is also available in the SRSC Lobby:

Heat Start Time
All registrants and team leaders will be emailed their heat start time by 5:00 pm Friday March 3rd.


Participants may arrive beginning at 8:20am on Sunday, February 25th. The competition pool will be open for warm-ups at 8:40am. Participants competing in later heats may warm up in the shallow end. All participants should be on the pool deck, ready to compete, 30 minutes before their start time. There will be a brief meeting to cover all event rules and procedures 5 minutes before each heat. The first heat will begin promptly at 8:40am, and heats will consist of no more than 12 people.

Official times will be recorded on time-tracker cards. Each individual will have one card, where times from each segment can be recorded. Teams will receive one card to be passed among the members of that team. At the end of each segment, an official timekeeper will record the athlete's time on his or her card and pass the card to the escort. Participants do not need to be responsible for their own time cards. After the running segment, all cards will be submitted to the officials and final times and places will be determined by Tuesday evening.

All segments will be started by an IUSC official. Swimmers may start either in the water or from a standing start on the side of the deck (no running starts). Swimmers should start only when prompted by the official starter. Upon finishing the swimming segment, athletes will be required to change into dry clothing and athletic clothes before proceeding to the biking segment. There will be no running in the SRSC facility between segments. Any participant seen running on deck or between segments will receive an automatic disqualification. Participants will be directed from the pool to the bikes, and the biking segment will begin when the athlete starts pedaling. Official biking times will be recorded by timekeepers. Participants will not be permitted to leave the biking segment until their time has been recorded. Upon finishing the biking segment, participants should proceed to the track to begin the running segment. Laps and times will be recorded by official timekeepers. There will not be a running clock during the transition periods.

*During the transition periods, participants will only be allowed in the locker rooms (during the transition between the swim and the bike) and the upstairs restrooms. Team members competing in
the biking and running segments may choose to watch the other segments of the race. Any person leaving the designated areas without special permission from an event official will be disqualified.

Suggested list of items to bring

  • IU campus identification card (students)[*]Lock (if desired)[*]Swimming attire, goggles[*]Towel[*]Athletic shoes[*]Clothes to run and bike in[*]Water bottle[*]iPod or MP3 player

Participants may keep their belongings in an SRSC locker on the pool deck. IU Swim Club is not responsible for items lost or stolen during the event.

Facility Rules & Policies

Participants shall respect all SRSC facility policies throughout the duration of the event. Failure to abide by these rules will result in immediate disqualification. No refunds will be given to individuals who fail to comply with these rules and policies.

General Rules

  • No food, drink (other than water), or glass containers are allowed past the turnstiles.
  • If you are hurt in any way at the SRSC please report your injury to Recreational Sports staff.
  • Running, rough play, intoxication, and profanity are prohibited.
  • Personal possessions should be stored in a locker or on the pool deck. Recreational Sports is not responsible for lost or stolen items.


  • No street shoes are permitted on the pool deck.
  • Swimsuits are required. No cut-offs, gym shorts, or other attire is allowed. Changing clothes on deck is prohibited.
  • All participants must change into dry clothes and shoes in the locker rooms before proceeding to the bike segment.


  • Athletic shoes covering the entire foot must be worn at all times. Open-toed and open-heeled shoes and sandals are not permitted.
  • Workout clothes that fully cover the chest must be worn. Shirts are required at all times. JEANS ARE NOT PERMITTED.


  • Stretching and warm-up exercises are to occur in the holding area during the transition period, as opposed to in the hallway or strength and conditioning room.
  • Do not stand on or block any lanes of the track.
  • Teams vs. Individuals
  • Participants may compete as individuals or as members of a team. Individuals are required to complete all 3 segments (swimming, biking, running) of the triathlon. Team members may complete one or two segments of the triathlon. Participants may only compete on one team. Time cards must be passed on from one team member to the next.

Statement of Responsibility

    [*]Neither Indiana University nor Campus Recreational Sports (RS) accepts any responsibility for ill health or injury sustained while participating in any of the programs. No medical or ambulance expense incurred by a participant will be paid by Campus Recreational Sports or by the University. Participation is on a voluntary basis. It is recommended that all participants undergo a prior physical examination and carry some form of health and injury insurance. If an injury does occur, it should be reported to the nearest Recreational Sports staff member. In the event that blood is involved in an injury, that person cannot continue to participate until the wound is properly cleaned and dressed; any clothing with blood should be removed.


For event related questions please click on the "Contact the Organizers" button on the left-hand side of this page.

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 4:10:42 PM EDT.

Registration Form Closed

Event Organizers

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