Beantown Marathon

Sunday, September 7, 2025 in Hingham, MA at Bare Cove Park

  • Marathon at 7:00 AM

    » $125.00 Registration (through 8/7 at 11:59 PM EST)
    » $135.00 Registration (8/7 at 11:59 PM EST through 9/4 at 11:59 PM EST)

    Register Early! No Packet Pick Up or Race Day Registration.

* Click here for fee information

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Packet Pickup

Pre Race
Date/Time: TBD
Date/Time: TBD
Marathon Sports – 134 Washington St, Norwell, MA, 02061
– Marathon will be offering an in-store discount of 15% for everything except electronics, when you pick up your packet, and check your swag bag for coupons for future use – all thanks to our sponsor, Marathon Sports!

There will be no pick up or registration on race day.

Note: All runners will receive a bib assignment email on Thursday (9/5). We are expecting a great crowd so please, please, please know your bib assignment when you come to pick up your packet so we can keep the flow going.

Note: Friends CAN get your packet, but they must know your bib number. No swag will be mailed.

Packet Pickup
There will be NO packet pick up on Race day.
Packet pickup will be at Marathon Sports in Norwell MA (134 Washington St, Norwell, MA 02061) on TBD from TBD and on TBD from TBD.


Beantown Marathon - Boston Qualifier!

This Boston Marathon Qualifier has been designed for one reason, and one reason only … to give you one last chance to qualify for Boston 2025! This is the final qualifying weekend before general registration opens for Boston!

We're proud to announce that the Beantown Marathon was ranked #17 out of just under 500 marathons in the US in 2024 for the highest BQ %, with an impressive 35% Boston Marathon qualifier rate! Yes, you read that right: 35% of last year's Beantown Marathon qualified for the Boston Marathon!

This quiet, closed, USATF-certified loop course offers all of the elite-runner perks that are vital to Boston qualification…

- Loop course – 6 loops
- Pace-specific staggered start – grouped by desired finish time
- Elite bottle/fuel stations – stock these stations with your own personal drinks and snacks
- General bottle/fuel stations – water will be provided for you
- Designated spectator areas for family/friends – your support section will see you every loop!
- Registrant gear check
- Portable toilets are never too far away
- Great race swag – custom hoodie and finisher medal
- Post-race relaxation – snacks and refreshments

We are here to help you qualify for Boston 2025!

We promise, this is going to be your best shot, at a last minute qualifying bid for Boston!

Let our experienced race staff help you to your goal, of crossing the 2024 start line in Hingham, MA!

Who can run?
We are limiting the field to just 500 runners! Each runner will have the option to run with a designated pacing group.

Where is the marathon?
This loop course marathon is located in Bare Cove Park (Hingham, MA). The quiet, beautiful setting that this venue provides is tailor-made for a fast qualifying time.

When is it?
The Marathon will take place on 9/8/24, starting at 7:00 AM sharp. As you may or may not know, this is the final qualifying weekend before general registration opens for Boston!

Event Information

Elite Runner Experience
- Pace-staggered start: grouped by desired finish time
- Elite bottle/fuel stations: stock these stations with your own personal drinks and snacks
- General bottle/fuel stations: water provided for you
- Designated spectator areas for family/friends: your support section will see you every loop
- Registrant gear check

Fast Boston Qualifier Course
Qualify for Boston 2025 by running a BQ time this weekend! This is your last chance to qualify before the deadline.

Custom Event Swag
Runners will receive the following:
- Unisex hoodie (guarantee deadline: 8/19/2025)
- Custom event finisher medal (for those that cross the finish line)

Medical Stations

Medical Stations

Dehydrated? Light-headed? Nagging injuries flaring up? We will have two medical stations, one at the start/finish area, and another around Mile 3.5

Note: you will pass both of these locations 6 times.

Water/Fuel Stations

We are offering four separate stops, in addition to your optional personal drink station (details below). Since this is a loop course, you will hit each of the water stops multiple times, approximately every mile.

Water stop #1: Water

Water stop #2: Water

Water stop #3: Water

Water stop #4: Water

See map below for locations of water stations.

Beantown marathon 2023 water station map

Personal Hydration Station

We are giving all runners the option to stock their own personal hydration/nutrition station. You will pass these tables on your walk/jog to the start line from the parking lot. They will be labeled by bib number, so find your bib number/table, put your items down in your bib spot, and you’re good to go!

Please keep in mind that during the race you will be responsible for locating and replacing your drink on the table. Please label your bottles with your bib number to avoid confusion in case other runners at your table are drinking out of something similar.

General Information

Spectators are encouraged to come cheer on their friends and family. However, we ask that you do so in the area shown on the water stop map above. This area has plenty of space, and you will see the runners pass this point 12 different times throughout their marathon!

If you are not at the location before the start of the race, PLEASE make sure to hug the right side of the road at all times on your way there. There are points along the course that are very narrow, and we don’t want anything interfering with a runner’s path.

Please be considerate of the runners!

Portable Toilets
We will have plenty of portable toilets for runners on race morning, in the following locations:

Parking lot / Park entrance (52 Bare Cove Park Drive)
On the way to the start line/on the course

There are multiple entrances to the park, so please make sure you are entering the park on Bare Cove Park Drive. Once you are on BCP Drive, you will pass athletic fields, and a parking lot on your left side. Continue past that parking lot, onto the portion of road that is separated by a tree line median strip. Once you get to the end of that median, you’ll see race tents for registration and baggage check (you are in the right spot!). Turn left and park in the field to the left. This space is first come first served.

GPS Address: 52 Bare Cove Park Drive, Hingham, MA 02043

This will put you directly in the right spot!

Pacing Groups
Based on registrant selections during the online registration process, there will be the following pacing groups. These groups will consist of runners that selected the same goal finish time for the marathon. Since everyone in your group will have a similar goal time, this will provide a unique opportunity to feed off of each other, and reach the finish line together.

*All runners, regardless of pace group must be at start line at 7 AM.

Pacing groups/Approx. Start Time (based on goal times):

* Groups could be changed based on the amount of entries per seed time.

Group #1: 3:00 or less (7:00 AM start)
Group #2: 3:01 – 3:15 (7:01 AM start)
Group #3: 3:16 – 3:25 (7:02 AM start)
Group #4: 3:26 – 3:30 (7:03 AM start)
Group #5: 3:31 – 3:45 (7:04 AM start)
Group #6: 3:46 – 4:00 (7:05 AM start)
Group #7: 4:01 or more (7:06 AM start)

If you selected not to run with a specific group, please start towards the back of group #7.

Note: Some of these pacing groups have a wider range of times, but there are ~50 runners in each pacing group. Our advice is to get to the start line early, find your group, and figure out who in your pacing group is going to make for a good running partner for the day!

As a Boston Qualifier, of course, this event is being professionally chip timed. You will cross the start line with your pacing group, which will officially start your marathon qualifying effort!

Not that anyone would cut any corners, but since this is a loop course we are setting up two “security” timing check points. One at the northernmost point of the course (Bunker Alley/Bare Cove Path), and one at the southernmost point of the course (Conservatory Path).

If/when you qualify, we will be checking these splits to make sure you hit each checkpoint the appropriate number of times before turning to the finish!

As you can see from the USATF course map on the next page, this is a six loop course, with the finish line pulled off of that loop.

You will be responsible for counting your own personal laps! Everyone knows their own pace, and goal time, so it should be very obvious if you are a lap short.

As you are finishing your sixth lap, you will turn for the finish at the fork in the road (there will be clear signage at the fork pointing you towards the finish line).

PLEASE review the flow of the course, and how the distance breaks down by lap (shown on the USATF map on next page).


We will have two EMTs in an all-terrain vehicle that will be on-course, ensuring no one needs assistance. In addition, we will have a stationary unit at the finish line.

Past Results
For previous years results and photos, please click here!

Beantown marathon 2023 - course map

As you can see from the USATF course map on the next page, this is a six loop course, with the finish line pulled off of that loop.

You will be responsible for counting your own personal laps! Everyone knows their own pace, and goal time, so it should be very obvious if you are a lap short.

As you are finishing your sixth lap, you will turn for the finish at the fork in the road (there will be clear signage at the fork pointing you towards the finish line).

PLEASE review the flow of the course, and how the distance breaks down by lap (shown on the USATF map on next page).

Important Course Notes

There is a section of course (Bunker Alley) that is run on a packed gravel trail for ~.3 mile
There are stretches of the course that will have runners going in both directions (see USATF map). These roads will be separated by a line of cones. Please stay to the right of the cones to avoid confusion.
Water stops #2 and #4 will be on the section of course that is two way traffic. PLEASE don’t cross over to the other side to get water. This could be very dangerous for runners coming in the other direction.
Since there will be runners of all abilities on a loop course, passing is inevitable. Please try to use common courtesy, and allow runners to pass when the course allows.
If you are unable to complete all 6 loops, please do not cross the finish line and notify race staff so that we know that you are off the course.



If you have questions, please use the "Contact the Organizers" link on this page.

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  • When this page loaded, the official time was 10:00:49 PM EST.