Lewis Memorial Acres Full Moon Trail Run
in United States at Lewis Memorial Acres-
2.5+ Mile Off-Road Fun Run
(Sunset is 6:52PM) Rain or ShineOnline registration is closed for this category.
Registration |
Event is limited to the first 150 registered runners. Race day registration may be available if participant limit has not yet been met. Check-in and packet pick-up starts at 6:00P at the pavilion in LMA park. Check-in is mandatory.
The first 100 registered participants for the Full Moon Trail Run will receive a LMA Full Moon Trail Run can coozie (see above image).
The event is FREE but a donation of $15 or more is suggested for run.
Donations to Lewis Memorial Acres can be made on-line, accepted at registration or can be mailed to:
Lewis Memorial Acres
PO Box 9541
Springfield, IL 62791-9541
Lewis Memorial Acres Association is a non-profit organization as defined by the IRS and donations are tax-deductible.
Event Details |
This is an off-road 'fun' event - run in the dark.
Lewis Memorial Acres (LMA) was a generous gift donated by Irene Lewis in 1984. In her will, she wished to provide the land to create a Christian park for the community. The forty acres represent a beautiful prairie and wooded setting for recreation, relaxation, and reflection. The park is governed by a non-profit board that meets regularly to oversee the growth and development of the park.
This event is to promote LMA while offering the community a unique and fun event with a night trail run in this hidden gem on Springfield's west central side.
Things To Know |
- You MUST check-in before the race.
- You MUST carry at least one flashlight and/or headlamp.
- Paint and/or ribbon will be used to mark trail turns.
- Reflective and lighted gear is recommended (more for aesthetics and fun)
- A few course marshals will assist in questionable course intersections.
- Additional parking is available at the adjacent Koke Mill Christian Church.
- There is a port-a-potty in the park and additional restrooms available in lobby of Koke Mill Christian Church.
- This is a Fun Run. It will NOT be officially timed. There are NO t-shirts or awards.
- Portable music devices and strollers are not allowed for safety purposes.
- Water will be available at start/finish but NOT on the course.
- LMA Board or event planning committee reserves the right to cancel the event due to safety considerations.
[*]Event updates may be available at www.facebook.com/LewisMemorialAcres.
Trail Etiquette |
- If you want to pass a participant, please clearly announce - 'PASSING.'
- Slower participants yield/move over for faster runners.
- Please do not litter the trails and park.
- Be careful.
- Have fun!
Questions |
For event related questions please click on the "Contact the Organizers" button on the left-hand side of this page.
- When this page loaded, the official time was 4:37:23 AM EST.