Crooked Lake Freedom 5

in United States at Steuben County 4H Park

Online registration for this event has closed. Race day registration available from 5:30-6:30 pm on 7/3/2018 and at 7 AM on race morning.

  • 5K
    18 and under will receive a $5 discount on registration at checkout.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • 5 Mile
    18 and under will receive a $5 discount on registration at checkout.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Race Day Registrations

    Online registration is closed for this category.

Event Details

The purpose of this walk/run is to promote a sense of community and wellness within the Crooked Lake community. This run/walk is dedicated to all of those who serve and have served to protect our liberties and freedom. We hope that sponsoring such events we will instill a sense of achievement, camaraderie, and belonging to all that participate. Proceeds will go towards preserving the beauty of this natural resource that we love.


Children 12 or under can participate with a parent/guardian for FREE but will not be chip timed or provided with a t-shirt. If he/she would like to be chip timed then they must be registered as an adult. Parent/Guardian will need to sign waiver the morning of the race. No
registration needed for children 12 or under.


For event-related questions, please click on the *Contact the Organizers* button on the left-hand side of this page.

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 3:52:32 AM EDT.

Registration Form Closed

Event Organizers

Thank you for hosting your event registration with!


If you are looking for the next registration form for this event, you will find it here.