Lincoln Track Club - Annual Membership - 2025

in Lincoln, NE

What category would you like to sign up for? You can sign up for any of the following categories.

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Club Membership Application Waiver:

I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in club activities unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and volunteering to work in club races including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather, including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course, such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Road Runners Club of America, the Lincoln Track Club and all sponsors, their repre-sentatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind of arising out of my participation in these club activities even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, baby jog-gers, roller skates or blades, animals, and radio headsets will not be allowed in LTC races and I will abide by this guideline.

Photo/Video Release:
I agree that the Lincoln Track Club and race sponsors can use my race photos and video for marketing purposes and understand these photos will be available to the public and tagged by my race bib.

Please Sign Below

Your electronic signature is the online equivalent of your ink-on-paper signature, and can be provided by typing your name where indicated. The electronic signature will signify your understanding, acceptance, and authorization to accept the conditions of this legal document, including the following statements:

  • I have read, have understood, and do accept the agreement above.
  • I understand that this is a legal document with effects that I approve and authorize.
  • The registrant is the person(s) whose name is submitted as the recipient of the goods and services provided as a result of this transaction.
  • I am authorized to agree to the terms of this document on behalf of the registrant.
  • If the registrant is under 18 years of age, incapacitated, or mentally challenged, I assert that I am the parent/legal guardian or otherwise authorized to execute a legally binding agreement on behalf of the registrant.

Electronic Signature

You must be 18 years of age to legally complete this registration. If the registrant is under 18, an authorized adult must complete this form.
If the person you are registering (registrant) is under 18, do not enter his/her age. You will do that on the next step. Enter your age here as the person completing the form.

Multiple signers should separate their signatures with commas.

This agreement was generated at 10:11:28 PM EST on 02/11/2025.