Graniteman Endurance 3 Race Series 2025

Apple Triathlon - Sartell, MN - May 18, Buffalo Triathlon - Buffalo, MN - June 1, Big Lake Triathlon - Big Lake, MN - Aug 2

What category would you like to sign up for? You can sign up for any of the following categories.


My participation in the Graniteman Triathlon Endurance Series is voluntary. I agree and acknowledge that this athletic event is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits. The risks include, but are not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of athletes, equipment, vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, and event monitors, and/or producers of the event, and lack of hydration. These risks are not only inherent to athletes, but also present for volunteers. Understanding this, I am aware that participating in this event involves the potential risk of bodily injury or personal property damage, including, but not limited to, accidents, illnesses, injuries to, or death to me, other event participants or others. I further understand that part of the risk involved in undertaking any event of this nature is relative to my own current state of fitness or health and to my own awareness, care, and skill in the manner in which I conduct myself while participating in the event.

RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE: I agree to release, hold harmless, and covenant not to sue Active Central Minnesota, it’s board members, sponsors, or any of the cities or counties where events are held for any claim of ordinary negligence arising out of my participation. I understand that this release, hold harmless, and covenant not to sue is limited to claims for ordinary negligence and in no way shall be construed to release claims for conduct that constitutes greater than ordinary negligence, conduct that constitutes reckless or grossly negligent conduct, or willful, wanton, or intentional acts.

I further acknowledge that the terms of this release will serve as a release and assumption of risk applicable and binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, and others.

I hereby consent to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during the event.

I understand that Active Central Minnesota has the right to cancel or postpone the event at its discretion if it deems it necessary to do so as a result of unsafe weather conditions or inadequate participation numbers.

I understand that at this event I may be photographed. I agree to allow my photo, video or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event holders, producers, sponsors, organizers and/or assigns.

I understand that signing this agreement affects my legal rights and results in my giving up or waiving certain legal rights and I accept this and sign this agreement of my own free will. My signature indicates that I have read this entire document, understand it completely, acknowledge that it cannot be modified or changed in any way by oral representations and agree to be bound by its terms. This agreement shall be binding on behalf of heirs, my assigns, personal representative, estate and myself.

I hereby certify by my signature that I have read this document; and, I understand its content.

Please Sign Below

Your electronic signature is the online equivalent of your ink-on-paper signature, and can be provided by typing your name where indicated. The electronic signature will signify your understanding, acceptance, and authorization to accept the conditions of this legal document, including the following statements:

  • I have read, have understood, and do accept the agreement above.
  • I understand that this is a legal document with effects that I approve and authorize.
  • The registrant is the person(s) whose name is submitted as the recipient of the goods and services provided as a result of this transaction.
  • I am authorized to agree to the terms of this document on behalf of the registrant.
  • If the registrant is under 18 years of age, incapacitated, or mentally challenged, I assert that I am the parent/legal guardian or otherwise authorized to execute a legally binding agreement on behalf of the registrant.

Electronic Signature

You must be 18 years of age to legally complete this registration. If the registrant is under 18, an authorized adult must complete this form.
If the person you are registering (registrant) is under 18, do not enter his/her age. You will do that on the next step. Enter your age here as the person completing the form.

Multiple signers should separate their signatures with commas.

This agreement was generated at 8:27:40 PM EDT on 10/22/2024.