
Saturday, September 14, 2024 at Boston Trail Access in Boston, PA

What category would you like to sign up for? You can sign up for any of the following categories.

Release and Assumption of Risk

I, the undersigned, do knowingly and freely hereby agree to assume all risk of harm, injury, or loss, of whatever nature results at this event. I fully realize the dangers include, by way of example, and not limitation: the dangers of collision with fixed or moving objects, pedestrians, other riders and vehicles; the negligence of other riders, sponsors, promoters, or volunteers; equipment failure; road surface; weather conditions; and the possibility of serious injury associated with cycling. I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, assigns, and successors, hereby waive, release, and discharge, and hold forever harmless Mon/Yough Trail Council, volunteers, sponsors, public entities, property owners, representatives, and successors associated with this event, with respect to any and all damages, injuries, and claims which might arise from my participation or from traveling to or returning. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, or any other records of this event for any legitimate purpose. I represent that I am in sound medical condition and have no physical impediments that would endanger others or me. I accept responsibility for the condition and adequacy of my bicycle and safety equipment. I will wear an ANSI or SNELL certified helmet when riding a bicycle during The Yough-N-Roll. I will obey all Trail Rules and Pennsylvania laws and regulations. I understand that if I leave the designated route, I will no longer be a Ride participant and forfeit all privileges of the event. I acknowledge that entry fees are nonrefundable and non-transferable for any reason. This agreement may not be modified orally and may not be waived in any respect. I have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without coercion.

Please Sign Below

Your electronic signature is the online equivalent of your ink-on-paper signature, and can be provided by typing your name where indicated. The electronic signature will signify your understanding, acceptance, and authorization to accept the conditions of this legal document, including the following statements:

  • I have read, have understood, and do accept the agreement above.
  • I understand that this is a legal document with effects that I approve and authorize.
  • The registrant is the person(s) whose name is submitted as the recipient of the goods and services provided as a result of this transaction.
  • I am authorized to agree to the terms of this document on behalf of the registrant.
  • If the registrant is under 18 years of age, incapacitated, or mentally challenged, I assert that I am the parent/legal guardian or otherwise authorized to execute a legally binding agreement on behalf of the registrant.

Electronic Signature

You must be 18 years of age to legally complete this registration. If the registrant is under 18, an authorized adult must complete this form.
If the person you are registering (registrant) is under 18, do not enter his/her age. You will do that on the next step. Enter your age here as the person completing the form.

Multiple signers should separate their signatures with commas.

This agreement was generated at 7:45:01 PM EDT on 09/07/2024.