CRMO Awareness Virtual 5K Walk-A-Thon - Ace’s Race!

Thursday, October 31, 2024 in Anytime between October 5 - October 12, 2024.,

Please join Ace’s Race team this October. This will be Ace’s first time participating in the is event since he was diagnosed with CRMO. We are looking forward to meeting other families who also have to deal with CRMO and raising money for future research. You can participate in person or virtually.
The picture below is Ace literally jumping for joy after being in the hospital for over a month as inpatient at the Radys pain clinic. Never once complaining just staying strong and handling this disease like a champion.
Thank you for the love and support.

Connect with others about this event and see who's going!

Ace’s Race! Members

  • Whitney Steffler - Donation To Kaila's Komfort
  • Kathy Fagan - Donation To Kaila's Komfort
  • Treena Fagan - CRMO Awareness 5K Walk-A-Thon
  • Neil Cleveland - Donation To Kaila's Komfort
  • Kelley Cuerva - CRMO Awareness 5K Walk-A-Thon
  • Sherie Utley - Donation To Kaila's Komfort
  • Abbi Papendick - CRMO Awareness 5K Walk-A-Thon
  • Darren Utley - Donation To Kaila's Komfort
  • Joelle Boros - Donation To Kaila's Komfort
  • Ace’s Northern cousins - Donation To Kaila's Komfort
  • Ace Cleveland - CRMO Awareness 5K Walk-A-Thon

Ace’s Race! has raised $785.00.

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  • When this page loaded, the official time was 11:36:14 AM EST.