St. Joseph Home Incline to the Finish Line 5K - matt's team

Saturday, May 21, 2022 in Cincinnati, OH at St. Joseph Home

user-submitted homepage picture

[i][b]Please come join us fly high with the man of Steele!
You will forever be miss and loved matt man![/b][/i]

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Contributors on Behalf of matt's team

  1. Barbara Steele - Contribute to a Fundraising Team
  2. Annalisa Tempesta - Contribute to a Fundraising Team
  3. Britney Pangallo - 5K Walk
  4. Kasandra Lanham - 5K Walk
  5. Chastidy Myers - 5K Walk
  6. Gavin Myers - 5K Walk
  7. Paxton Myers - 5K Walk
  8. Eddie Myers - 5K Walk
  9. Tricia Lambright - 5K Walk

matt's team has raised $1,370.00.
matt's team has a goal of raising $5,000.00.

progress: 27.40%

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  • When this page loaded, the official time was 11:17:00 PM EDT.