CCVI Trolley Run - 32nd Annual - LoLo's Lions

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 in , MO

user-submitted homepage picture

Join LoLo's Lions to support the magical place where our precious son is learning, and thriving! CCVI!

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Contributors on Behalf of LoLo's Lions


  1. Nathan Lewis - Make a Donation
  2. Abbey Dragan - Virtual - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  3. Carolyn Schwartz - Make a Donation
  4. Chris & Marcie Kent - Make a Donation
  5. William Moses - Make a Donation
  6. Erin Martinez - Make a Donation
  7. Kate Hanley - Make a Donation
  8. Lindsey Heidrick - Make a Donation
  9. Jennifer Tufts - Make a Donation
  10. Abbey Dragan - Make a Donation
  11. Sarah Pickrell - Make a Donation
  12. Hailey Dunne - Make a Donation
  13. Stephanie Smith - Make a Donation
  14. Janet Bartel - Make a Donation
Other total: $490.00

LoLo's Lions has raised $490.00.
LoLo's Lions has a goal of raising $1,000.00.

progress: 49.00%

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  • When this page loaded, the official time was 11:29:33 PM EDT.