Hunger 5K - Hunger Hike 1969-2019

Saturday, November 30, 2019 in Cincinnati, OH at Matthew 25: Ministries - 11060 Kenwood Road

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Fifty years ago, on Nov. 23, 1969, I was the 17 year old co-chair & “spokesman” for the first ever “Hunger Hike” held in my hometown of Jefferson City, MO. Our hunger walk was a totally new idea, a first for Jeff City and we had to explain the concept of supporters paying an amount for each of the 10 miles that the participants were going to walk! This photo was taken during the Hunger Hike. That’s me in the middle, joined by my co-chair (and boyfriend) Marty Chitwood; our inspiring and organized Adult Advisor Mrs. Doreen Henderson is wearing the message board: Walk a mile & save a child!

We were raising funds for children who were starving due to violence in the Nigerian region known as Biafra. And we also contributed to the initiation of the first food commodities program for low-income residents of Cole County, MO. Prior to the walk, I joined the First Lady of Missouri and other adults in advocating for the commodities program to be approved by the County Commissioners; this including speaking before the Commission, telling them about the Hunger Hike and how youth wanted to help address what we would now call food insecurity. We had an ambitious goal: 1,000 walkers, and over 300 showed up on that sunny day in November. The kick-off was on the steps of the Missouri State Capitol.

Now, 50 years later on Nov. 9, 2019, I am once again walking to end hunger. I hope you will join me in this effort by sponsoring me for the Hunger 5K. That’s just a little over 3 miles (lots shorter than in 1969). Thank you in advance for giving generously!


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Contributors on Behalf of Hunger Hike 1969-2019

  1. $200.00 from Joetta Prost
  2. $100.00 from Bill Luerssen
  3. $50.00 from Lorrie Hayes
  4. $35.00 from Mary L Holliday
  5. $25.00 from Nicole Stanforth

Hunger Hike 1969-2019 has raised $410.00.
Hunger Hike 1969-2019 has a goal of raising $2,000.00.

progress: 20.50%

Hunger Hike 1969-2019 is a sub-group of * General donation to Matthew 25 Ministries.

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