Flying Pig Marathon Charitable Donations - Maybe I'll run next year but this year I'll raise money

Saturday, May 5, 2018 in Cincinnati, OH

I have so much admiration for anyone who participates in a full marathon, a 1/2 marathon, a 10K, 5K or any race for that matter. While I used to do many 5Ks annually and have even completed a 1/2 marathon, I have not participated in anything more than a 5K in years.

Why? I use the excuse that I don't have time or I'm too tired. When I really think about it - those are really lame excuses. Especially when I think about how many people are battling cancer and would LOVE to not be too tired or sick to participate. I think about the family members of cancer patients who would LOVE to have the time to train and participate. Yep - my excuses are lame.

It's too late for me to train for this year's Flying Pig, but it's not too late for me to raise money for Cancer Family Care on behalf of those would have LOVED to participate this year! I'll be out there cheering on this year's participants, including a few of CFC's Board members and also many cancer SURVIVORS.

If you are like me and not participating but you do want to make a difference - donate here! Thanks!

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Maybe I'll run next year but this year I'll raise money has raised $0.00.
Maybe I'll run next year but this year I'll raise money has a goal of raising $1,000.00.

progress: 0.00%

Maybe I'll run next year but this year I'll raise money is a sub-group of Cancer Family Care.

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