CCVI Trolley Run - 29th Annual - Go Buddy Go!

Sunday, April 30, 2017 in Kansas City, MO at 75th and Wornall Road

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Please help Buddy and his friends reach their highest potential by joining our Trolley Run team and/or donating to the Children's Center for the Visually Impaired (CCVI).

CCVI is one of only eight schools in the country who serve children, birth to school age, who are blind or visually impaired. Most of them have multiple disabilities, just like Buddy.

CCVI's staff includes professionals in occupational, speech-language and physical therapies, as well as in the specialized instruction areas of braille and orientation and mobility. CCVI teachers are certified in Early Childhood Special Education and Blind/Partially Sighted.

We are fortunate enough to live in Kansas City and drop off/pick up Buddy from school every day with ease. It's on my to and from work. However, some families drive more than 150 miles every day. Or, stay in a hotel a couple of nights a week to give their kiddo the opportunity to receive CCVI's services. Can you imagine?!

CCVI does not turn away a child for inability to pay and it costs about $40,000 per year to educate a kiddo.

Donations are critically important. While we are fortunate to have good jobs, we are unable to pay the full cost to get Buddy what he needs. We are grateful recipients of scholarships made possible by your donations to help us pay for Buddy's education and therapy.

Nearly two-thirds of CCVI's annual budget must be raised through donations from individuals, corporations, foundations, service groups and the United Way, as well as the proceeds from fundraising events.

Buddy's made tremendous progress in his development and we attribute that to CCVI. He wouldn't be where he is today without the tireless efforts of this amazing organization. And Jeff and I would not be the informed parents that we are without their support, education and guidance.

Connect with others about this event and see who's going!

Contributors on Behalf of Go Buddy Go!


  1. Joshua Luther - Make a Donation
  2. Elizabeth Sutton - Make a Donation
  3. Nicole Bregar - Make a Donation
  4. Sara Miller - Make a Donation
  5. Jennifer & Sean Smith - Make a Donation
  6. Stacey Pap - Make a Donation
  7. Ronnie Felder - Make a Donation
  8. Jodi Flannery - Make a Donation
  9. Dan Safreno - Make a Donation
  10. Olga Hewitt - Make a Donation
  11. Dawn Chute - Make a Donation
  12. Debra Sull - Make a Donation
  13. Missy Eck - Make a Donation
Donors total: $895.00

Event Participants

  1. Aiella Burgert, Lochlan Burgert, Natasha Burgert - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  2. Erin Van Hoet - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  3. Jackie Steranko - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  4. Timberly Apple - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  5. Freddie Wise - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  6. Mandy Baumgartner, Josh Baumgartner - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  7. Melanie Mendrys, Meredith Wacha - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  8. Jessica McGee, Ryan McGee - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  9. Beth Wade, Lucy Wade - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  10. Heather Mayfield, Don Mayfield - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  11. Heather Bruce, Adam LaRocca - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
  12. Bethany Luther, Olivia Morstorf, Liam Morstorf, Jeff Morstorf - Children's Center for the Visually Impaired Family Team Member
Event Participants total: $460.00

Go Buddy Go! has raised $1,355.00.
Go Buddy Go! has a goal of raising $5,000.00.

progress: 27.10%

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  • When this page loaded, the official time was 5:31:34 PM EDT.