
Zoo Run - 2019

in United States at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium

Registration has been closed. The event capacity has been reached. We apologize for the inconvenience, but no additional registrations are being accepted. Walk in registrations will NOT be available the day of the event.

  • 5-Mile Run
    Free for children 5 & Under. No medals given for this group.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • 2-Mile Walk/Run
    Free for children 5 & Under. No medals given for this group.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Group Registration
    Free for children 5 & Under. No medals given for this group.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

Schedule of Events

Sunday, September 01, 2019 (rain or shine) Registration closes Thursday, August 29 at 6 p.m. unless capacity is reached before this time.
No additional registrations will be accepted after this time.
Walk in registrations will NOT be available the day of the event

Check-in begins at 6:00 AM at the Main Entrance.
Early run packet pick-up is on Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. located at the Robert B. Daugherty Education Center.
Five-mile run departs at 7:00 AM
Two-mile run departs at 7:15 AM

$30 for Omaha's Zoo and Aquarium Members (13 years and older)
$40 for Non-Members (13 years and older)
$15 for Children ages 6 to 12 years
Free for Children ages 5 years and under 

Children 5 years old and under are free (registration is not required & they will not receive a participation medal). Strollers are NOT allowed in the 5-mile race. Pre-event registration is required and event is held rain or shine.


Please enter through Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium's Main Entrance. The two-mile course will be located on Zoo grounds. The five-mile course travels through the Zoo and outside to surrounding neighborhoods.

Back Again This Year

Participants will receive a participation medal, bananas, bagels and water. (No event t-shirts will be distributed)
Plus, receive free admission to Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium on the day of the race.
Registrations are non-refundable.


An awards ceremony will take place around 9 a.m. near the finish line following the five-mile race.

Back Again This Year! Five-mile awards will go to the top male and female in each age group: 14 and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and older. Please note second and third place awards will not be given. No awards given for two-mile race.


For additional event-related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the left-hand side of this page.

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 9:01:07 AM EDT.

Registration Form Closed

Event Organizers

Thank you for hosting your event registration with GetMeRegistered.com!


If you are looking for the next registration form for this event, you will find it here.