#Savelunch “Friend”-ly 5K and Trivia Fun Run

Saturday, March 15, 2025 in Kaufman, TX at Central Perk, 303 W Mulberry Street Kaufman, TX 75142

  • Trivia Fun-Run - not timed at 9:00 AM
    Register by March 1st to be guaranteed a t-shirt.

    » $30.00 early registration (through 3/1 at 11:59 PM US/Central)
    » $35.00 registration (3/1 at 11:59 PM US/Central through 3/14 at 11:59 PM US/Central)
    Trivia Fun Run Registration

  • 5K at 9:15 AM
    Register by March 1st to be guaranteed a t-shirt.

    » $30.00 early registration (through 3/1 at 11:59 PM US/Central)
    » $35.00 registration (3/1 at 11:59 PM US/Central through 3/14 at 11:59 PM US/Central)
    5K Registration

* Click here for fee information

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In 2024, Texas ranked second in the nation for older adults facing hunger, with nearly 1.1 million seniors experiencing food insecurity. Among seniors aged 60 and older, the food insecurity rate was 9.8%, up from 8.5% in 2021. The month of March mobilizes hundreds of local senior meal programs across the country to reach out to their communities and build the support that will sustain them all year long. These programs collectively serve a nutritious meal, a warm smile and the safety check that keep seniors healthy and living in their own homes. The goal for the 2025 “Friend”-ly 5K and Trivia Fun Run is to raise necessary funds for home delivered and congregate meals for seniors. Our goal is $30,000 which will provide approximately 6000 meals, county-wide.

Race Information

The “Friend”-ly 5K and Trivia Fun Run is designed for the whole family. The 5K course will include Houston Street and the access road of 175. The Trivia Fun Run, also in the Downtown Kaufman area, is designed for our non-competitive supporters with a special “Friends” TV Show trivia component, with prizes given to the top finishers. So, brush up on your “Friends” trivia and register today!

Registration received by March 1 will be guaranteed a shirt. T-shirts will be on a first come, first serve basis after this time.

Schedule of Events

Race Day:
7:00 a.m. to 8:30am – Packet Pickup, Registration and Instructions
9:00 a.m. – Trivia Fun Run
9:15 a.m. – 5K

Winners will be announced when final participants finish the race. The race course closes at 11 a.m.

Packet Pickup

Packet Pickup will be on Friday, March 14, 2025 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Kaufman Senior Center located at the Civic Center, 607 E. Fair Street, Kaufman.


The following are the Award Categories for medals:
Overall M & F, 13 & under, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 &over.

Plaques will be given for Top M/F under 40 and Top M/F over 40. Race

Awards will be presented following the 5K!


Sponsorships available:
Lobster Sponsor: $2,500
Name on Back of T-shirt, Name on Sponsor Board and all advertising, Sign on Race Course, 2 Race Entries

Pivot Pacers Sponsor: $1,000
Name on Back of T-shirt, Name on Sponsor Board and all advertising, Sign on Race Course, 1 Race Entry

We-were-on-a-break Sponsor: $500
Name on Back of T-Shirt, sign on race course, 1 Race Entry

Friendly Trivia Fun Run Prices: $375
Name on trivia prize and advertising

Smelly-Cat Sponsor: $250
Name on Back of T-Shirt, 1 Race Entry

Water Sponsor: 300 bottles of water
Sponsorship sign and event advertisement

Breakfast Sponsor: Fruit and Snacks for Pre-Race
Sponsorship Sign and event advertisement

Post-Race Snack Sponsor: Fruit and Snacks for Post-Race
Sponsorship sign and event advertisement

We will also gladly accept donations for our Race Day Goody Bags

Live Results

Live results can be found at the following URLs during the event:



For event related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the page.

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 3:34:59 PM EST.