Hopkins Royal Triathlon

Saturday, August 30, 2025 in Minnetonka, MN at State Shady Oak Beach

  • Sprint
    750 yd swim, 12-mile bike, 5K run

    » $70.00 Registration (through 8/15 at 11:59 PM US/Central)
    SPRINT Registration

  • Mini Sprint
    on race day, you choose from 3 distance options for each segment

    » $55.00 Registration (through 8/15 at 11:59 PM US/Central)
    mini-sprint Registration

  • VIP Charity Slot (can do either the sprint or mini-sprint)
    Main lot parking, prime bike racks in transition area, plus all of the money goes to the volunteer youth groups.

    » $111.00 Registration (through 8/15 at 11:59 PM US/Central)
    VIP Charity Registration

* Click here for fee information

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About the Event

Come join us for the 11th Annual Hopkins Royal Triathlon! Participate in a traditional sprint distance tri, or our famous mini-sprint tri (aka: the US mini-Sprint Nationals.) Either way, you'll be treated like royalty! The race sells out every year weeks in advance, so please don't wait!

Triathlon Race Day schedule:

6:45 transition area opens (body marking, timing chip pick up, and set up)
7:50 pre-race meeting and singing of the National Anthem
8:15 sprint race begins (time trial start)
9:00 mini-sprint event starts (time trial start)
~10:45 awards ceremony and door prizes (must be present to win)


sprint tri: 750-yard swim, 12-mile bike, 5K run

mini-sprint tri: choose from the following distances.
SWIM: 750, 250, or 100-yard swim
BIKE: 12, 8, or 4-mile bike
RUN: 5K, 2.5 K, or 0.01 K

Tank Tops


For event-related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the left-hand side of this page.

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 4:52:43 PM EDT.