Cousin Eddie's Christmas Run 5K - Plymouth, MA

in United States at Mayflower Brewing Company

Online registration for this event has closed.

  • 5K Basic Package (includes t-shirt & medal)

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • 5K Jelly of the Month Package (includes t-shirt/medal/hat/robe)

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Transfer Existing Entry to New Registrant - in-person only
    Original participant must transfer out of the event to receive a transfer code. The new participant must use the transfer code to transfer into the event.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Withdrawn

    Online registration is closed for this category.

Packet Pickup

Pre-Race Packet Pickup

Saturday 12/21 (12-4 PM) or right before the race starting at 8:30 AM in Mayflower Brewing parking lot.

Marathon Sports, 9 Court Street, Plymouth, MA

Same-Day Packet Pickup

Sunday 12/22 (8:30 AM-9:30 AM)

Mayflower Brewing Parking Lot, 12 Resnik Road, Plymouth, MA

Event Details

How could you not love Cousin Eddie? Well, now is your chance to channel your inner Cousin Eddie for a brand NEW, super-fun, 5K run honoring the legend himself. Grab your family and friends and join us on Sunday, December 22, 2024 at Mayflower Brewing in Plymouth, MA for the HAP HAP HAPPIEST Christmas run since...well, ever, 'Cousin Eddie's Christmas Run 5K'.

Choose to run dressed as Cousin Eddie himself (green bomber-style hat & white robe included with the 'Jelly of the Month Club' registration option), run in our custom Cousin Eddie Christmas Run super-soft T-shirt surrounded by hundreds of other runners dressed as Cousin Eddie, or even sport your own custom costume. Whichever you choose, we guarantee you'll have a ton of laughs!

Also, be on the lookout for hidden (most likely in plain sight) Cousin Eddie "easter eggs" throughout the course to help motivate and humor you along your journey.

This run is all about FUN & HAVING SOME LAUGHS while celebrating Christmas and running/jogging/walking with your loved ones!

The JELLY OF THE MONTH package which included a robe & hat has already SOLD OUT! We apologize for the inconvenience and will have to order more next year.

Race Morning Schedule

8:00 AM - Same Day Registration Opens
9:30 AM - Race Starts

Start/End Location - Mayflower Brewing, 12 Resnik Rd # 3, Plymouth, MA 02360


Choose between 2 Awesome 5K Registration Packages

5K Basic Package includes
- Awesome Cousin Eddie’s Christmas Run unisex t-shirt
- Custom finisher medal

***SOLD OUT***5K Jelly of the Month Club Package includes
- Awesome Cousin Eddie’s Christmas Run unisex t-shirt
- Custom Cousin Eddie’s Christmas Run finisher medal
- Green bomber-style hat - Adult one-size-fits-all (like Cousin Eddie wears)
- White adult unisex bathrobe with race logo (like Cousin Eddie wears)


"And if it wouldn't be too much, we'd like to get something for you, runners...something real nice."

Top 3 male/female overall finishers will be awarded a Cousin Eddie-themed keepsake.

1 Top Spectator that displays the most Cousin Eddie'ish enthusiasm & spirit while cheering on their loved one will also receive a Cousin Eddie-themed keepsake.

For the 5K:
• Top 3 overall Male and Female winners
• Top Male and Female winners in the following age groups:
1-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+

THANK YOU to our sponsors!


For event related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the page.


  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 10:04:33 PM EST.

Registration Form Closed

Event Organizers

Thank you for hosting your event registration with!


If you are looking for the next registration form for this event, you will find it here.