Cornbelt Running Club 24 Hour Run

in United States at Brady Street Stadium

Online registration for this event has closed.

  • 24-Hour Run
    (Limited to 60 Runners)

    Online registration is closed for this category.


Brady Street Stadium
Davenport, Iowa

SURFACE: 400 meter all-weather track
WEATHER: Average temp. low 47, high 64

Event Information

Register Early:
Registration deadline is April 15th. The field will be limited to 60 runners.

Proceeds benefit the CBRC Children's Running Programs.

Restroom facilities within 70 feet form track.

Awards and T-Shirts

  • Trophy or hour glass to overall male and female winners
  • Plaques for all runners over 100 km
  • T-Shirts for all entrants


1. Participants may be required in the second lane or beyond. Pylons or other restriction may be
placed in the inside lane to enforce correct distance.
2. Volunteers will count laps for all participants.
3. This event is a “go as you please” race. Running, walking, and crawling are permitted. No
mechanical assistance will be allowed. Runners may leave the track at any time, however they
must notify their lap counters when leaving or returning to the track.
4. Race numbers must be displaced prominently to assist lap timers. It also is recommended that verbal
and/or visual recognition be made between the runner and his/her lap counter to insure the correct
recording of time and number.
5. Lap counters generally work a three hour shift. When they change, it would be helpful for the runner to
check in with the new lap counter.
6. Lap direction will change after the first four hours, and every three hours thereafter. Finish the lap you
are on when the change occurs and, then as directed, reverse direction at the start of the next lap in
view of your lap counter.
7. Should you have any concerns about your lap count, discuss this with your lap counter AND the lap
counter supervisor as soon as possible. Yes, during the race.
8. Participants will be responsible for their own handlers and aid. The race will provide water and
some other items but a runner should not rely solely on this.
9. Gaterade has been selected as the “Official Drink” of the Cornbelt Running Club 24 Hour Run.
10. Restroom facilities are within easy walking distance from the track.
11. We are working to secure post-race showers, more information available closer to the race.
12. The winners, one male and one female, will be the runner who completes the most miles within the
24 hour time limit.


For event-related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the left-hand side of this page.

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 4:58:52 PM EDT.

Registration Form Closed

Event Organizers

Thank you for hosting your event registration with!


If you are looking for the next registration form for this event, you will find it here.