Harnessing the power of HR
to design equitable workplaces

in United States at Online conference August 10th, September 7th, October 19th, November 9th, December 14th

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  • National SHRM Member (SHRM membership will be verified)
    See conference schedule below.

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  • Non-National SHRM Member
    See conference schedule below.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

Program Overview

Human Resources (HR) leaders are, and have been, on the front lines of disruption and societal changes within our organizations for a long time. HR professionals are instrumental in turning disruption into positive change to improve our workplaces and the lives of all employees.
This certificate program is a partnership with Schabel Solutions and Iowa SHRM. These interactive workshops will introduce innovative solutions designed to provide HR professionals a proactive approach for developing a sustainable DEI program within their organizations. HR Professionals completing this program will also be able to share DEI knowledge and practices, build a community of DEI champions across Iowa, and adopt DEI practices to enhance your workplace and communities.

To earn this DEI Certificate, individuals must participate in and complete all five sessions. Successful completion of this certificate program is not a national DEI certification.

Program Structure

This certificate program consists of 5 live, virtual sessions, each 2 hours in length. (2:00-4:00PM)

August 10 – Understanding the Individual DEI Journey
The course’s 3 major objectives are to learn common terms relative to DEI, explore identity and culture and discuss steps to continue your DEI journey.

September 7 – How to design your organization’s DEI strategy
The course’s main objectives are to explore the “nuts and bolts” of a DEI strategy. The outcome is access to a framework and template to design your own organization’s DEI strategy.

October 19 – How to attract and retain diverse talent
The course’s main objectives are to define “diverse” talent and explore 3 steps to designing a tactical recruitment and retention plan. The outcome is a deeper understanding of your recruitment opportunities and tactical plans to leverage them in the short and long-term future.

November 9 – How to design a culture of accountability and inclusion
The course’s main objectives are to help you audit your current workplace culture and redress areas of development. The outcome is access to a framework to review process, policies and procedures within your organization.

December 14 – How to design and deliver equitable community impact
The course’s main objectives are to explore external efforts in the marketplace/community and design an equitable approach moving forward.


Claudia Schabel is founder, president and CEO of Schabel Solutions. The firm, Schabel Solutions, has more than 25 years of DEI and human resources practitioner experience, largely with Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. As a diversity and inclusion strategic partner, Schabel Solutions combines DEI expertise with significant international experience and multicultural backgrounds to help organizations address the dangers of unmitigated unconscious bias, untapped talent, missed market opportunities and stagnant innovation.

General Information

Registrants completing this certificate program will be eligible for 10 SHRM recertification credits. Partial credit for individual sessions will not be granted.

• Substitutions are permitted and must be in writing. If you register and are unable to attend, you may substitute another person in your place. Please email statedirector@iashrm.org for instructions on how to transfer your registration.
• Registrations may be confirmed through the GetMeRegistered.com Confirm Your Entry widget on our website or email statedirector@iashrm.org.
• Iowa SHRM or Schabel Solutions reserves the right to cancel the program because of low enrollment. If so, Iowa SHRM will notify registered participants and provide full refunds.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

There is a clear connection between a diverse and inclusive workforce and workplace and better organizational outcomes. From improving talent attraction and retention to inspiring innovation to driving growth in new markets, investing in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) makes sense on many different levels. If you’re doing DEI right, you should see quantifiable and qualitative results proving the impact of your efforts.

The 2020 Census recently revealed that our nation’s demographics continue to change rapidly and today’s workforce is one of the most diverse in our nation’s history. As a result, organizations that take a proactive and intentional approach to DEI are going to win the ongoing battles tied to attracting and retaining talented employees and drive greater profitability – ensuring long-term success in the multicultural marketplace.

Iowa SHRM LinkedIn group


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