Parkinson's Steady Strides 5K Race
To Benefit Parkinson's Support and Wellness
in United States at Lindner Family Tennis Center - 9:00AM Gates open at 7:00AM
Register up to 6 people in one transaction.
You may join or donate to a fundraising team on step 2.Online registration is closed for this category.
Virtual 5K - Run anytime, anywhere from Sept. 1st through Oct. 2nd!
You may join or donate to a fundraising team on step 2.
Online registration is closed for this category.
Make a Donation
This category does not include an event registration.Online registration is closed for this category.
Change existing 5K to Virtual 5K
Online registration is closed for this category.
Raffle Ticket Only
More information coming soon.Online registration is closed for this category.
Online registration is closed for this category.
Job descriptions to be postedOnline registration is closed for this category.
Questions? |
For event-related questions, please click on the *Contact the Organizers* button on the left-hand side of this page.
- When this page loaded, the official time was 1:56:24 PM EST.