ISRI Pittsburgh Chapter Election Night
in United States at Rivers Casino-
Bar and Event Sponsorship options available when registering.Online registration is closed for this category.
Table Registration
Includes 10 Registrations. Bar and Speaker Sponsorship options available when registering.Online registration is closed for this category.
5:30 - 7:00 PM --
Cocktails & Hors D'oeuvres with Dinner following
7:30 PM --
Election of Officers
Legislative Update by Greenlee Partners
Presentation of Lifetime Achievement Award
Harry Lenick, The Lenick Company
Jerry Clark, Keynote Speaker
Former FBI Agent who solved FBI Major Case #203, The Pizza Bomber"
* The slate of officers and Executive Committee will be sent out 10 days prior to this meeting to all Pittsburgh Chapter members.
Questions? |
For event-related questions, please contact Aaron Plitt at
- When this page loaded, the official time was 11:47:44 AM EST.