Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma and Sunset Festival - 2018
in United States at Lawton Loop Parade Grounds with courses through Fort Harrison State Park-
Make a donation or support a participant or team
Online registration is closed for this category.
5-mile, 5K, or 1-mile Race
on June 2nd at 6:00 PMOnline registration is closed for this category.
In Spirit Participation
If you can't attend in person, you can attend in spirit!Online registration is closed for this category.
Volunteer Positions, includes: Water/Snack Distribution, Course Marshal, Event Set Up, Kids' Zone, Tear Down, Water Stations.Online registration is closed for this category.
Shirt or Hat Purchase Only
Note: This is not an event entry.
Deadline for hats is May 20, and for shirts is May 27.Online registration is closed for this category.
About the Event |
The Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma is not just another race. To the survivors who don their special blue race T-shirts, it’s a reminder that life is a gift. To the families who gather in support of loved ones with advanced melanoma, it’s a race against time to finding a cure. To the donors and sponsors who support the event, it’s knowing that your support has meaning and impact.
Outrun the Sun, Inc. is dedicated to building awareness of melanoma and other skin cancers, educating communities about preventive measures that reduce melanoma’s incidence rate, and to raising funds for melanoma research, leading to effective treatments and a potential cure.
The Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma includes a 5-mile timed run, 5K non-competitive run and a 1-mile fun run. Races are followed by the Sunset Festival where friends and family can gather for music, food and fun. Event proceeds benefit skin cancer education and melanoma research programs at Outrun the Sun, Inc.
To learn more about Outrun the Sun, Inc check out our website HERE
Outrun the Sun, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization.
Fundraising |
Fundraising Goal for each participant - $500
Outrun the Sun is a nonprofit organization that relies on generous donations to support its education and research programs. You are encouraged to collect online donations from your colleagues, friends and family. If you know an organization that may be interested in becoming a sponsor of the Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma, please contact the OTS office: 317-253-2121.
Non-Participant Fundraising/ In Spirit Participant:
If you are unable to attend the event but still wish to support skin cancer education and melanoma research, register as an "In Spirit" participant and create your own personal fund raising page.
Packet Pick Up |
Packet Pick Up and onsite registration will be available at the Lawton Loop lawn 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Sunset Festival |
The Sunset Festival includes music, food trucks, wine and beer tents, health and wellness tents, games and a Kids' Zone. Please come prepared to spend time with friends and family prior to and following the Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma. Kids' Zone: While children over the age of six must be paid registrants, all children 10 and under are welcome to participate in our free Kids' Zone. Activities include kids' runs, giveaways and sun-safe activities. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult. Please do not drop off your child in the Kids' Zone unattended.
Course |
The scenic 5-mile competitive run and 5K non-competitive run/walk course(s) enters the Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park and consists of some hills and
elevations. Strollers are not permitted in the timed run. 1-Mile walk consists of a scenic course around historic Lawton Loop. It is a flat course. Strollers are welcome.
You must be at least eight years old to participate in the 5-mile competitive run.
Click here to view the course map!
Road Closures |
Outrun the Sun
June 2, 2018
5 Mile Run – 6:00pm
1-Mile Walk - 6:10pm
5K Run/Walk – 6:15pm
Street Closings
OTIS AVE (from Lawton Loop E. to Lawton Loop W.) 4pm to 10pm
LAWTON LOOP EAST (from 56th the Otis) 5:15pm to 6:20pm
LAWTON LOOP WEST at 56th Street 6pm to 6:30pm
LAWTON LOOP WEST and EAST 6:10pm to 6:30pm
56th Street from Lawton Loop W. to Franklin Road (north 2 lanes only) 6:00pm to 6:15pm
56th Street from Franklin Road to Boy Scout Road (north curb lane only) 6:00pm to 6:20pm
BOY SCOUT ROAD (north bound lane only from 56th to Park Gate) 6:05pm to 6:25pm
POST ROAD (from Otis Ave to 59th Street- southbound lane only) 6:20pm to 7:15pm
GLENN ROAD (from 56th Street to Park Entrance) 6:00pm to 6:30pm
OTIS AVE (from Post Rd to Lawton Loop) 6pm to 7:30pm (finish line area)
For more information: Don Carr, Tuxedo Brothers Event Management 317-733-3300 tuxbro@indy.rr.com
Safety and On-site Rules |
For insurance and safety reasons, headphones, roller skates, inline skates, wagons, bicycles, skateboards or other similar equipment will NOT be permitted on the course.
For insurance and safety reasons, pets are not permitted on the course or the premises at any time.
Children over the age of six must be paid registrants.
ALL adults attending the event, including those choosing not to participate in a race, are required to pay the registration fee.
Awards |
Athletic Annex will be providing awards for the top three Overall finishers in the men's and women's categories, as well as Age-Group awards!
Volunteer Info |
Volunteers are an integral part of any Outrun the Sun program. By giving your time and energy to the Outrun the Sun Race Against Melanoma, you help Outrun the Sun, Inc. fund skin cancer education and melanoma research programs. Your help makes a tremendous difference and we thank you!
Volunteers will receive assignment instructions and volunteer T-shirts when they check in on race day at the Volunteer registration tent.
While we will do everything possible to allow you to volunteer in the area you have selected, we may need to shift volunteer responsibilities to where the need is greatest.
Questions? |
For event-related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the left-hand side of this page.
- When this page loaded, the official time was 11:34:49 PM EST.